Cell phone

I recently loaded cell phone pictures onto my computer and thought I should post a couple more recent ones. At the end of the summer we had gone to the Indiana State Fair and this is the only picture I took from the fair but I thought it was cute.

My three little piggies

My kids love to pretend to be babies. Jake is usually the baby and then Katie and Ryan are either the Dad and Mom or Dad and Sister. However, when Jake is at school Katie and Ryan usually both like to be the baby. The problem arises because there are no adults, so all it consists of is them both whining, crying and crawling around the room together. It had gotten quiet and I didn't hear them acting like babies so I went in and found them both "asleep". The seats they are in are the seats we used for them when we lived in Africa. I saved them because they are so small I thought it would be fun to use them for dolls. I had also saved a couple of dummies to use for there pretend play.

Look at these two really huge sleeping (and smiling) babies

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